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November 2021
Friendliness – the Flowering of Your Silence
“The man who is capable of being alone is also capable of being a friend. But it is not his need, it is his joy; it is not his hunger, not his thirst, but his abundance of love that he wants to share.

When such a friendship exists, it should not be called a friendship, because it has taken on a totally new dimension: I call it ‘friendliness.’” Osho
The Journey of Being Human

Man is a bridge, says Osho, between the animal and the divine – and our awareness of this dual aspect of our nature is what makes us human. It is also what makes us restless, full of conflict, so often at the crossroads of selfishness and generosity, of love and hate, frailty and strength, hope and despair.

The Journey of Being Human looks into how we might embrace and accept these apparent contradictions, rather than trying to choose between them, as the key to transforming each twist and turn of life’s journey into a new discovery of who we are meant to be.
Friendliness Rises Higher than Love

"The very word 'friendship' is not of the heights – the word 'friendliness' rises to the moon, to the sun –- because the word 'friendship' is just of the mind. It is confining –- you can be in friendship with only a few people. But friendliness is vast; you can be friendly to the trees, to the mountains, to the stars. Friendship is hiding a bondage too… But friendliness is freedom – you are not dependent on anybody. Friendship is objective, and friendliness is your love shared unconditionally with the whole existence." Osho
Meditation of the Month
“Sit and look into each other’s eyes. Look deeper and deeper, without thinking.... If you don’t think, if you just stare into the eyes, soon the waves will disappear and the ocean will be revealed.... If you can look deep down into the eyes, you will feel that the man has disappeared, the person has disappeared. Some oceanic phenomenon is hidden behind, and this person was just a waving of a depth, a wave of something unknown, hidden.” Osho
Everybody Is Afraid of Intimacy – Why?
“Everybody is afraid of intimacy. It is another thing whether you are aware of it or not. Intimacy means exposing yourself before a stranger. We are all strangers – nobody knows anybody. We are even strangers to ourselves because we don’t know who we are. Intimacy brings you close to a stranger. You have to drop all your defenses; only then is intimacy possible. And the fear is that if you drop all your defenses, all your masks, who knows what the stranger is going to do with you?”

What Has Gone Wrong?
“The child is born with a heart which longs for love, but he is also born with a brain which can be conditioned. And the society has to condition it against the heart, because the heart will be always rebellious against the society, it will always follow its own way.” Osho
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