A U G U S T 2 0 1 1 |
“Godliness is alive when you are alive. If you are not alive, how can your godliness be alive? Your godliness is yours. If you are dead, your godliness is dead; if you are alive, your godliness is alive. Your godliness cannot be more than you, because your godliness is your innermost core of being. So if you want to know what godliness is, become more alive. If you want to know what godliness is, become more divine. If you want to know what godliness is, then don’t try to know – try to feel. It comes through the door of the heart." Osho |
The Therapy Called Compassion |
I heard you once say "Only compassion is therapeutic." Please talk about compassion. |
"Yes, only compassion is therapeutic – because all that is ill in man is because of lack of love. All that is wrong with man is somewhere associated with love. He has not been able to love, or he has not been able to receive love. He has not been able to share his being. That’s the misery. That creates all sorts of complexes inside.
Those wounds inside can surface in many ways: they can become physical illness, …" |
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Teething Troubles |
"I have a suspicion that wherever anger is suppressed too much, people have teeth trouble. Their teeth go wrong because there is too much energy and it is never released. And anybody who suppresses anger will eat more; angry people will always eat more because the teeth need some exercise. Angry people will smoke more. Angry people will talk more; they can become obsessive talkers because, somehow, the jaw needs exercise so that the energy is released a little bit. Angry people’s hands will become knotted, ugly. If the energy was released they could have become beautiful hands. …" |
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The Psychology of Anger |
"The psychology of anger is that you wanted something, and somebody prevented you from getting it. Somebody came as a block, as an obstacle. Your whole energy was going to get something and somebody blocked the energy. You could not get what you wanted.
Now this frustrated energy becomes anger...anger against the person who has destroyed the possibility of fulfilling …" |
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I worked as an IT consultant in Thailand and had spent ten years in well-known consulting firms. My work was high pressure with high expectations and I always took it seriously. When I was stressed others were also stressed, so I decided to take a break last year. I love to read whilst on vacation, and I found a copy of the Osho book, Gold Nuggets, in a book shop. I opened the book and one line about money and love hit me, so I started to read more.
Then I explored the osho.com website where I found the Living In program and here I am!
I am learning to work in a playful way with less stress, and at the same time be nice to people. I have also let go much of my negativity. The combination of meditation, the serene natural environment, and meditative and supportive people is a perfect package for working on myself. The Evening Meeting is my favorite meditation; gibberish and let-go teach me to be friendlier with death. Now that I feel less afraid of death, I feel much safer in the world.
I wanted to learn how to meditate while working and what I experience here has exceeded my expectations.
Times of Crisis are of Tremendous Significance

When we created the concept for this new book series "OSHO Life Essentials," we had no idea that a worldwide economic crisis would soon shake many countries around the globe. When the economic bubble of "ever more and better" burst, the international drama which unfolded also had a balance, allowing a larger number of people to have a look at essential issues in their life. more...
- Destiny, Freedom and the Soul: What Is the Meaning of Life?
- Fame, Fortune, and Ambition: What Is the Real Meaning of Success?
- Innocence, Knowledge and Wonder: What Happened to the Sense of Wonder I Felt as a Child?
- Power, Politics, and Change: What Can I do to Help Make the World a Better Place?
- The Journey of Being Human: Is It Possible to Find Real Happiness in Ordinary Life?
- Belief, Doubt and Fanaticism: Is It Essential to Have Something to Believe In?
Available at:

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Breathe and Smile |
Whenever you are sitting and you have nothing to do, just relax your lower jaw and open the mouth just slightly. Start breathing from the mouth but not deeply. Just let the body breathe so it will be shallow and will be more and more shallow. And when you feel that the breathing has become very shallow and the mouth is open and your jaw is relaxed, your whole body will feel very relaxed. |
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