In the run up to the next presidential election in America, the democratic process has caught the attention of the entire world. Has democracy had its day, and what do we put in its place? |
"Democracy is not the highest goal. It is better than dictatorial regimes, it is better than monarchies, but it is not the end of the journey – because democracy basically means government by the people, of the people, for the people, but the people are retarded. So let us say: government by the retarded, for the retarded, of the retarded. |
"Democracy cannot be the highest possibility man can attain. It is good in comparison to other forms of government that have preceded it, but not something that can succeed it. I call that meritocracy. |
"I want a government by the people of merit. |
"And merit is a very rare quality.” |
Osho, From Bondage to Freedom, Talk #31 |
The Courage to Be Yourself |
In Freedom Osho outlines three stages of freedom. The first is "freedom from," which is a freedom that comes from breaking out of what he calls the "psychological slavery" imposed by outside forces such as parents, society, or religion. The next stage is "freedom for," a positive freedom that comes from embracing and creating something – a fulfilling relationship, for example, or an artistic or humanitarian vision. And lastly there is "just freedom," the highest and ultimate freedom. This last freedom is more than being for or against something; it is the freedom of simply being oneself and responding truthfully to each moment. |
Looking into the Blue Sky |
Look into the blue sky and go on looking. Do not think about it; do not say it is beautiful. Do not say, “How lovely!” Do not appreciate the color; do not start thinking. If you start thinking, you have stopped. Now your eyes are not moving into the blue, the infinite blue. Just move, just look – do not think. Do not create words; they will become barriers. Not even “blue sky” should be said. Do not verbalize…. |
Angelika |
I am a professional musician from Austria teaching music in a school. I started reading Osho books. On the last page of each book there is the description of OSHO International Meditation Resort, Pune. I was attracted to this place and then I read about the Creative Living Program where you can bring quality of meditation into work so that they are not separated. I jumped at it and came to Pune. |
Cool the Brain, Work with the Hands |
Osho says, in the first place the hands should be warm, and the head should be cool. But when there is too much of thinking, the head will be warm and the hands will be cool. That is unhealthy. You are moving towards madness. A moment will come when the head will start functioning on its own, unconnected with the whole body. |
OSHO Times Is Now a Regular Feature of the World-Famous Huffington Post |
Give Yourself the Best Present There Is |
Mothers Are the Most Creative Beings on Earth |
If the goal disappears from your mind, you will find yourself slowing down, in your body, in your mind. A deep relaxation will start settling. |
To give birth to a child is one thing – to be a mother is totally different. Any woman can give birth to a child; that's a very simple phenomenon. But to be a mother needs great art, needs great understanding. |
June, 2016 Newsletter |
OSHO International
Waterfront Business Centre, No 5, Lapps Key, Cork, Ireland |
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